Archery club “HUNI” is a juridical person with non-profit purpose. It has all the needed licenses from The Ministry of Judgement an The Ministry of Sport. It is a member of The Bulgarian Archery Federation. A lot of the club members are long-standing athletes and trainers – masters of sports who has won a lot of national and international championships. Furthermore many children are members of the club and we will count on them for the future.
The best archers in Plovdiv participate in “HUNI”. Some of them are:
Ivan Karavasilev – trainer, a master of sports, studied at The National Sports Academy, a participant in the world archery championship in Lozana.
Radostin Avdjiev – trainer, a master of sports, also studied at The National Sports Academy, he has won a lot of medals at national and international championships.
Hristo Slavkov – an instructor and a military man, winner of many titles at competitions.
For its training, the club uses firing ground provided by KSY “Svety Georgy”.
For a short period of time, the club has made a lot of progress and demonstrated that it shouldn’t be underestimated!
Here are some of the achievement we’ve made :
May 2016 at “Gabrovo Cup”- 2nd, 3rd and 6th Place at individual disciplines and 2nd place at team games.
August 2016 at the National Championship in Sadovo: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th place at individual disciplines and 3rd place at team games.
March 2017 at the National Championship in Veliko Tarnovo: 1st place for kids.
June 2017 at “Youth Cup” in Sofia: 2nd place at team games.
July 2017 at the National Championship in Razgrad: 1st place.
September 2017 at the National Championship in Ruse: 1st place at team games, compound.